My name is Nichole Camarillo. To fully explain what that name holds would take another lifetime. We're gonna go with the shorter version on this one. I'm an 80's born female of Mexican descent. I have lived my whole life in California. I've had more addresses and phone numbers than I can keep track of. I'm currently replanting myself back in the Bay Area. I am an artist. I appreciate all things beautiful, colorful, and intricately flawed. This life has taken some serious swings at me and I get stronger every day. I communicate all that I've learned, seen, felt, and experienced in this life through my paintings. It just works better that way.
I have huge goals that I'd like to see through to completion. I don't plan on stopping. The road I'm headed down won't ever get any shorter. Just maybe smooth out a bit every now and then. Feel free to follow along offering positivity, insight and encouragement anywhere you see fit. Don't be shy.
A Little About This Blog...
Originally my intentions for this blog were to use it as an 'Updates' section for my website, That didn't exactly go down the way I planned, but that's quite alright with me. This blog has slowly but surely evolved into something so much more exciting, interesting, and inspiring. I do try my best to not completely jump off into the deep end of my randomness in my posts, but I can't say it never happens. As a general rule, I try to keep things relevant to all things art. Painting, music, fashion, photography, etc. You'll find many different artists here in many different types of creative expression. The one thing they do all have in common is that I find them to be of delightful distraction. Hate it or love it, if I feel strongly about it, chances are I'll be sharing it with you guys.
Whatever it is I'm up to though, you'll still find those updates here. Whether it be new paintings, upcoming projects, exhibits, or anything else of that nature. Occasionally free things will be handed out at random as well. But just so you know, not all give-aways and updates are done here. Signing up for my mailing list will get you the most exclusive info and offers.
So... that's the short version. Thanks for following along! :)